Two years later he is flat broke and on the dole. 两年后,他一贫如洗,靠失业救济金生活。
The lad gambled and was soon flat broke. 这小伙子赌博,很快就输得精光。
Samuel Rubinstein was flat broke when he immigrated to this country. Today, ten years later, he is a wealthy merchant in New York city. 塞缪尔?鲁宾斯坦移民到这国家时,一毛钱也没有,十年后的今天,他是纽约市富有的商人。
The perfect place to end up flat broke. 让我破产的理想之地。
He is flat broke and cannot find a job anywhere. 他身无分文,又求职无门。
Now, divorced, deserted, flat broke, Barnaby has to find a way to repair his life. 现在,离异、孤单、没钱的巴纳比必须找到修复往日生活的方法。
That poor sap's gonna be flat broke. 那个可怜的家伙马上就要破产了。
Both went bankrupt, and he was flat broke. 但两家都倒闭了。他因此穷得一文不名。
Could you lend me10 dollars, I'm flat broke. 难借我十美元吗?我快破产了。